Saturday, July 28, 2012


Once there was a time
When I envied my elder sisters
Who were grown up; elegantly!
I envied nothing but to
Grow like them; quick and elegant,
And, halt when I am grown enough
To remain juvenile ever;
Wishing no death to take me away  
From the motherly abode!

Hanging from my mother’s close hand
As if I feared eagles’ snatch,
Away from her, mother’s care!
I trudged across bridges
To school; I was enrolled then,
To read books, experience school life;
Give every exam
And get passed;
By then I was in adulthood.

Today, everywhere I go
I hear people asking each other’s ‘age’
They ask my age too!
Against what I had wished—
To be ‘juvenile’ forever—
I realize I’ve become a sister my own,
Of my younger sisters!

It’s amazing to sit and watch
The passing life—
That moves so gentle like rivers’ flow
And the sun that rises only to set;
Age passes, adding wrinkles
To a laughing face
In his journey from
Womb to tomb;
Palace of birth to inferno of death!

I wish no one asks me how old I am!
As all existing souls grow old and die,
No fetus remains fetus forever;
No wishes hold true to truths;
Once pushed out of womb,
You are destined to keep walking
And when your legs twist you
You are destined to stop—
Like it or not—
Near the graveyard,
Your indestructible home!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Before me fate hovers

A beam of sun rays can’t illuminate
And fierce storms can’t destroy,
A sharp knife is too blunt to mow
And no human can hide from its fear,  
It befalls on us; good or bad
Nothing can stop it
And it always hovers before us,
‘Yes’ I m talking of ‘fate’. 

Before me fate hovers  
Invisibly in the eternal space  
Or is it sitting next to me?
Guiding me through his wills
Taking me to a place unknown;
After life left me alone
With all loveable things abducted;
After losing life in the living;
After being in both hell and heaven;   
After crying my grief out;
After being betrayed by my lover;
I married to ‘fate’
And chose to live by its shadow,
It is years since I eloped with fate.

Sages say fate is an answer to the past calls
What you sow in the past reaps now
I confront many circumstances
Which I believe is my reap
With the versatile fate
I learn to live or live to learn  
And walk to end.